Webinar Presentation Skills


This webinar is designed for those who would like to strengthen their oral communication skills focusing on presentation skill development and delivery. Fundamentals of presentation skills will be covered including:

  • Understanding Personal Communication & Speaker Presentation Style – Interacting with audiences based on their wants, needs, and motivations.
  • Best Practices: Preparation & Planning – Participants will gain an understanding of presentation basics, tips to tailor presentations, vocal variety, non-verbal expression/body language, how to organize thoughts using a step-by-step approach and tips to manage Q&A sessions.
  • Presenting with Professionalism – Connecting with audiences, creating rapport, reading the energy of the audience.
  • Developing Your Winning Style – Expressing your talents and how to use technology to your advantage.



Source : www.iienet2.org/Details.aspx?id=24634