IE-2011 and IE-2012 Continuous Improvement Discussion with Dr. Bopaya Bidanda

Dr.Bopaya Bidanda, Senior Vice President (International) of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) conducted a 20-minute discussion with approximately twenty industrial engineering student representatives on November 20th, 2014 as an integral part of international accreditation process.  During the discussion, students shared their opinion of and suggestions for the department.  The discussion focused on strengths and opportunities for improvement and also in facilitating support for students in finishing their four-year study plan. Towards the end of the session, Dr. Bidanda shared some benchmarking data with industrial engineering programs offered in the United States that are similar to BINUS University. Dr. Bidanda also gave some tips and shared his experiences about Industrial Engineering related research done in the United States. Student leaders also share their working experience and how Industrial Engineering impacts the field of their work or internship.

At the end of the discussion time, Dr. Bidanda met with the IIE Binus University student chapter president, Darian, and conduct discussions related to the general operation and networking activities conducted by the other IIE chapters. Lastly, he signed certificates of appreciation for 2014-2015 IIE steering committees which will be distributed to them upon the end of their term. The certificate is awarded for committees who have given their maximum contribution in supporting the activities held by the IIE BINUS University student chapter.

Dr. Bopaya Bidanda (Senior VP International) WP_20141121_09_08_19_Pro__highres - Copy