The Importance of Environmental Development For The Industry of IKN Nusantara

The Importance of Environmental Development For The Industry of IKN Nusantara

The vision of creating sustainable cities has become a global priority, with a strong emphasis on environmental preservation and responsible urban development. In line with this movement, IKN Nusantara, the National Capital City of Nusantara, emerges as an exceptional project that aims to combine the principles of a forest city, smart city, and sponge city. With an intricate understanding of what IKN Nusantara represents, it is essential to delve into the significance of incorporating an environmental focus within this ambitious endeavour.

At its core, IKN Nusantara envisions a city that thrives in harmony with nature, where economic growth is seamlessly integrated with sustainable practices. It serves as a shining example of how industries can play a pivotal role in achieving a balance between development and environmental preservation. By adopting an environmentally focused approach, the industries operating within IKN Nusantara can make substantial contributions towards the conservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, and mitigation of climate change impacts.

This grand undertaking places great importance on adhering to a set of 24 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and one of the core principles among these indicators is the commitment to safeguarding forest areas. As a testament to this commitment, IKN Nusantara has dedicated a significant portion of its vast expanse—75% amounting to 256,000 hectares—as green space. Within this allocation, 65% will serve as protected areas, ensuring the preservation of delicate ecosystems, while 10% will be designated for sustainable agricultural practices.

By placing an environmental focus at the forefront of IKN Nusantara’s industries, the project aims to preserve the rich biodiversity that Indonesia is renowned for. The country boasts diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife, making it a global treasure. Through the adoption of sustainable practices, industries operating within IKN Nusantara can minimize their ecological footprint, protect vital habitats, and sustain the region’s invaluable biodiversity.

Embracing an environmentally conscious industry in IKN Nusantara also presents an opportunity to drive resource efficiency. This involves harnessing renewable energy sources, implementing energy-saving technologies, and actively reducing waste generation. By optimizing the utilization of resources, industries contribute to the city’s overall sustainability, fostering a circular economy that minimizes waste and maximizes resource recovery.

Furthermore, industries that prioritize environmental focus within IKN Nusantara can embrace innovation and bolster their competitiveness. By integrating sustainable practices into their operations, companies can cater to the growing market demand for eco-friendly products and services. This not only enhances their market positioning but also encourages the development of green technologies, creating new business opportunities and driving economic growth within the city.

An industry that embraces an environmental focus within IKN Nusantara also yields tangible benefits for public health and quality of life. By minimizing air and water pollution, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting the use of clean technologies, industries create a healthier and more liveable environment for the city’s residents. This, in turn, enhances the overall well-being and satisfaction of the population, making IKN Nusantara an attractive place to live and work.

In conclusion, the industries within IKN Nusantara hold a pivotal role in shaping the sustainability and success of the city. By prioritizing an environmental focus, these companies can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, promote resource efficiency, drive innovation, and enhance public health. As IKN Nusantara takes shape, its commitment to environmental conservation serves as a cornerstone for the industries’ growth and the long-term prosperity of this sustainable capital city.


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