Technology Implementation in the Construction of a New Capital City of Indonesia

Technology Implementation in the Construction of a New Capital City of Indonesia

The upcoming capital of Indonesia, known as Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara – IKN), is set to be inaugurated in August 2024, coinciding with the nation’s celebration of its independence. The city’s objective is to become an intelligent, sustainable, and resilient hub, with technology playing a crucial role in addressing urban challenges. Technological advancements will contribute to a fresh model of social, economic, and environmental growth, ensuring the city’s modernization and sustainability.

The development of IKN is founded on three fundamental principles: the concept of a forest city, a sponge city, and a smart city. To achieve these goals, eight key performance indicators have been established, with a focus on creating a city that harmonizes with nature, ensures accessibility and connectivity, promotes circularity, resilience, safety, affordability, technological advancement, and, most importantly, provides economic opportunities for all.

Spanning an area of 256,142 hectares, IKN will be a green city, with 65% of its land designated to tropical forests, 10% for parks and food production, and the remaining portion allocated to urban areas comprising mixed-use zones and neighborhoods. The city will maximize the utilization of renewable resources, such as green energy and urban air mobility, positioning itself to achieve carbon neutrality by absorbing more CO2 than it emits. A sustainable approach is crucial to meet future needs while preserving resource viability.

The development of IKN not only reflects the nation’s identity but also presents a significant opportunity to drive economic growth and modernize infrastructure. It will serve as the backbone of Indonesia’s economic generation, providing social and economic benefits to society. By incorporating state-of-the-art technology and emphasizing innovation, the master plan of IKN, known as 1 MPP (1 Map-1 Plan-1 Policy), aims to create an ecosystem that enhances the quality of life for its citizens.

Digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and other advanced tools, will form the foundation of IKN’s development and operational systems. These technologies will not only address urban challenges and establish a smart city but also create a digitally connected urban management model that is economically feasible, socially desirable, and environmentally sustainable. For instance, IKN will introduce autonomous and electric vehicles as part of its public transportation system, offering mobility- as-a-service to citizens. This initiative aims to improve urban mobility, reduce congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and provide accessibility to people with disabilities and special needs.

The development of IKN seeks to create a resilient and sustainable city by enhancing various services, including transportation, energy, water resources, waste disposal, and healthcare. By improving resource efficiency, making public transportation more appealing, and providing decision-makers with valuable data for resource allocation, IKN will significantly contribute to sustainable development. Investments in green technology, safer materials, renewable energy utilization, urban water systems, sustainable infrastructure, and environmentally friendly products will pave the way for a smart city that positively impacts the lives of its citizens.

The Indonesian government’s priority plan for the new capital city (IKN/Nusantara) encompasses the development of smart cities. The plan encompasses six key areas: urban systems, safety and security, livability and urban life, government services, the environment and sustainability, and access and mobility. By emphasizing technology, digitization, renewable energy, and sustainability, the plan aims to transform the new capital city into a smart city. However, several challenges need to be addressed, including human resources, budget capacity, infrastructure, and adapting government bureaucracy. The government must proactively and adaptively tackle these challenges in the future.

Furthermore, IKN will prioritize fostering an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship to drive growth, investment, and improve the quality of life for its residents. Regional development will be promoted, symbolizing the nation’s progress and serving as a catalyst for productivity and economic activity. IKN Nusantara aims to be an inclusive global city, welcoming investors, manufacturers, researchers, and innovation supporters to develop green, inclusive, smart, resilient, and sustainable city ecosystems.

Rifaid, Abdurrahman, Tawakkal Baharuddin, and Bayu Mitra A. Kusuma. “Smart City Development in the New Capital City: Indonesian Government Plans.” Journal of Contemporary Governance and Public Policy, vol. 4, no. 2, October 2023, ISSN 2722-3891.

Berawi, M.A. (2022). City of Tomorrow: The New Capital City of Indonesia. International Journal of Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, 690-694. smart-capital-city-4929