Maximizing the Budget for the Development of IKN

Maximizing the Budget for the Development of IKN

The development of IKN is one of the noble goals of the government to create economic equality in Indonesia. The government intends that all revenues earned by the state are not only focused on one island, namely Java. Even though the aim of this government is very good, in practice, there are usually deviant actions carried out by elements of the government.

According to the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, in the process of building infrastructure in the new capital, Rp. 6,645 trillion was needed. The cost is very large, and many individuals have the potential to commit corruption with that amount of money.

According to Kompas news in 2020, in the last 2 years, they said that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had conducted arrest operations twice regarding allegations of bribery related to infrastructure development in East Kalimantan. According to the Research Center for Anti- Corruption Studies (Witness) of the Faculty of Law, University of Mulawarman, Hediansyah

Hamzah said that one of the sectors that has many opportunities for acts of corruption to occur is the infrastructure sector. This data occurs because the funds disbursed to carry out this project are very large and there are many parties who intervene in matters.

Therefore, in the construction of the new State Capital mega project in East Kalimantan, the government must carry out very strict supervision as well as punishment commensurate with what is done by corruptors so that they feel deterred by the punishment that will be given. This is very important so that the development project for the State Capital in East Kalimantan can run smoothly. For example, in road matters, roads are very important for activities within the National Capital. Damaged roads will result in supply chains being hampered, so supervision of infrastructure development such as roads becomes very important. Don’t let a new road be built after 5–6 months but have holes in it. Apart from disrupting the supply chain in the new State Capital area, this can also disrupt the comfort of residents there and make people lazy to move to the New State Capital.


Sucipto, (2020, 7 Juli) Korupsi Infrastruktur Ancam Pemerataan Pembangunan di Daerah, Diakses pada 22 Juni 2023, dari