Analysis of Ergonomic Principles to Enhance Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace


Analysis of Ergonomic Principles to Enhance Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace
By Muhammad Farhan

Ergonomics comes from Greek language, namely from the words “ergon” which means work and “nomos” which means rule. Thus, ergonomics can be defined as a field of study that examines human interaction with the work environment, including aspects of anatomy, physiology, psychology, engineering, management and product design. The main focus is on improving human welfare by optimizing efficiency, health, safety and comfort, both in the workplace and in the home environment and other places. According to Dohrmann Consulting, Ergonomics is a branch of science that studies human interaction with the surrounding environment, especially in the context of work. It involves designing and arranging workplaces, systems and products to suit their users, ensuring comfort and safety during use. Although some associate ergonomics only with seating adjustments or work tools, its scope is actually broader. Ergonomics aims to improve the work space and overall environment to reduce the risk of accidents. Thus, the role of ergonomics in the workplace is very significant in creating comfortable and safe conditions for workers.

Ergonomics, also known as “Human Factors”, is a field of study involving various disciplines such as anatomy, architecture, industrial product design, physics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and industrial engineering. This field does not only focus on physical aspects, but also includes physiology, psychology, design, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of work processes and products. Ergonomics can be applied in various sectors, such as industry, government, military, and education. The aim is to align the facilities used for activities and rest with human abilities and limitations, both physically and mentally, in order to improve the overall quality of life.

The application of ergonomics in the workplace has various benefits, including:

  1. Reducing company operational costs

Effective implementation of ergonomics plays a key role in reducing the risks associated with work injuries or accidents. This risk reduction not only impacts worker well-being, but also significantly reduces the costs that companies must incur to compensate workers affected by poor ergonomics. By implementing an ergonomic work environment, you can indirectly save the company’s operational costs. Therefore, it can be seen that an ergonomic work environment can be an investment for the company.

  1. Increase productivity at work

The application of ergonomics in the workplace plays an important role in increasing productivity, because it takes into account various aspects such as the position of tables, chairs, computer monitors, keyboards and lighting. All of these elements have a direct positive impact on worker productivity. Correct working posture and appropriate work space arrangement can reduce fatigue and save energy needed to carry out tasks. Apart from that, this also reduces the need for excessive movement to reach items around the workplace, so that the work process becomes more effective and comfortable.

  1. Increase worker focus

The importance of ensuring good ergonomics in the workplace cannot be underestimated, especially to improve worker focus and performance. A safe and comfortable work environment ensures that workers feel prioritized in terms of health and safety, which in turn can improve work morale and work ethic. Without adequate ergonomics, workers are at risk of fatigue, illness, or even resigning, which can have a negative impact on a company’s productivity and performance. Therefore, companies must pay serious attention to ergonomic aspects in the workplace to improve worker welfare and performance.

  1. Creating a safe work culture and environment

A company culture that pays attention to good ergonomic values is a crucial factor for the company’s sustainability and success. Correct integration of ergonomic values can create a safe and comfortable work environment for employees. Research results show that 75% of employees feel safer working in a workplace that applies good ergonomic principles. Even though occupational risks appear low, ergonomic principles must still be considered important and implemented as part of the routine life of all workers in a company.

Ergonomics has several types, namely physical ergonomics which concerns the structure of the human body, anthropometry, physiological properties, and biomechanics which is related to physical activity. Next is cognitive ergonomics which pays attention to human mental processes such as memory, perception and reactions. Next is organizational ergonomics which is related to organizational structure, policy and processes. And finally, environmental ergonomics which includes lighting, noise, temperature and vibration.

Even though it is considered important, in reality implementing ergonomics in the work environment may face several challenges, including high initial costs, resistance to change, and minimal knowledge about ergonomic concepts. Therefore, to overcome these challenges, companies need to emphasize their commitment to worker welfare and safety, as well as provide appropriate education and training programs for all workers. To achieve this goal, good collaboration is needed from all parties, including the government represented by the Department of Health. The Department of Health is responsible for public health and designing regulations, technical instructions and K3 guidelines in the workplace, while collaborating with various related sectors for effective guidance.

The conclusion of this article is that ergonomics is an important aspect of the work environment which aims to improve the welfare, comfort, safety and productivity of workers. There are various benefits obtained from implementing ergonomics, including reducing company operational costs, increasing productivity, better work focus, and creating a safe and comfortable work culture and environment. However, implementing ergonomics may face several challenges, such as high initial costs and minimal knowledge of ergonomics concepts. To overcome these challenges, commitment and cooperation from all parties is needed, including the government which is responsible for creating work safety regulations and guidelines. Thus, thoroughly understanding and implementing ergonomics in the workplace is an important step in creating a better working environment for all workers.
