Strategy for Improving Occupational Safety and Health in the Industrial Environments


Strategy for Improving Occupational Safety and Health in the Industrial Environments
By Muhammad Farhan

Occupational safety and health (K3) are protective efforts carried out with the aim of ensuring the safety and health of workers and other individuals in the workplace or company environment, as well as ensuring the safe and efficient use of production resources. According to Manpower Law No.13 of 2003 article 87, every company is required to implement an K3 management system that is integrated with the company management system. Several meanings and definitions of K3 from various book sources emphasize aspects of protection of work health and safety, such as the company’s standard operational approach, implementation of government policies, employee coaching and training, supervision and maintenance of work equipment and the work environment, as well as prevention of work injuries and accidents.

Based on Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning Occupational Safety, the aim of occupational safety and health (K3) which includes aspects of machines, equipment, workplaces and work environments is to prevent accidents and work-related diseases. Apart from that, to provide protection for workers with the aim of increasing efficiency and productivity. According to Suma’mur (1992), the objectives of K3 include protecting the rights and safety of workers, the safety of other people in the workplace, as well as maintaining and using production resources safely and efficiently. Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara (2004), K3 objectives also include ensuring occupational safety and health for employees physically, socially and psychologically. In addition, regular maintenance of work equipment, protection of production results, monitoring and improving employee nutritional health, increasing work enthusiasm and motivation, as well as preventing health problems caused by working environmental conditions. The goal and hope to be achieved is that every employee can feel safe and protected while working. 

There are various hazards in the work environment that pose risks to occupational safety and health (K3), including physical, biological, chemical and psychosocial hazards.

  1. Physical hazards include the risk of falling due to slippery floors, construction work without protection, as well as dangers due to damage from machines such as electric shock. Another example is that workers can also be exposed to extreme temperatures that cause dehydration or hypothermia. 
  2. Biological hazards include exposure to viruses, bacteria and toxins from insects or poisonous plants, as well as transmission of disease from animals to humans or transmission of disease between humans.
  3. Chemical hazards include acids, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, or flammable chemicals that have the potential to cause injury or death.
  4. Psychosocial hazards include long working hours, workplace insecurity, sexual harassment, bullying, as well as the negative influence of cigarettes, alcohol or illegal substances on workers’ mental and emotional well-being.

In maintaining occupational safety and health, it is important to pay attention to all types of hazards in order to prevent risks and ensure a safe and healthy work environment. 

Factors that influence Occupational Safety and Health (K3) include workload, work capacity and work environment. The workload, whether physical, mental or social, requires the placement of workers according to their abilities. Work capacity is influenced by education, skills, physical condition, and other factors. The work environment includes a variety of factors that can potentially endanger the health and safety of workers. To implement K3, companies need to comply with several principles, including having Personal Protective Equipment (APD), manuals for using tools and danger signals, regulations on the division of duties and responsibilities, a workplace that complies with SSLK standards, supporting physical and spiritual health, complete facilities and infrastructure, as well as awareness in maintaining occupational safety and health. This all aims to create a safe, healthy and productive work environment for workers.

Conclusion :
Occupational safety and health (K3) is a protective effort carried out to ensure the safety and health of workers and other individuals in the work environment or company. Every company is obliged to implement an K3 management system that is integrated with the company management system based on Law Number 13 of 2003 Article 87. Various reference sources emphasize the importance of aspects of occupational health and safety protection, starting from the company’s standard operational approach, implementation of government policies, employee training, maintenance of work equipment, as well as prevention of work injuries and accidents. Various hazards in the work environment, such as physical, biological, chemical and psychosocial hazards can pose risks to K3. Factors that influence K3 include workload, work capacity, and work environment which require awareness in its implementation. K3 principles include the use of Personal Protective Equipment (APD), guidelines for the use of tools and danger signals, regulations on the division of duties and responsibilities, as well as physical and mental supervision of employees. All of this aims to create a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for workers and companies.
