Innovation of Green Industry and Its Implementation

Innovation of Green Industry and Its Implementation
By Reinaldo Ragil Rompas
The implementation of zero waste and go green has become popular among the society in Indonesia to reduce the never-ending global warming impact. There is a green industry principle with reduce, recycle, reuse, and recovery application that similar to principle of zero waste and go green. However, the green industry more specifically focuses on the production process in a field of industry. That field has a big impact on Indonesia’s economic growth which is related to the natural resource utilization. Nowadays, environmental pollution still occurs anywhere due to the continuous industry growth so corrective steps are needed through the application of green industry innovation.
The application of green industry is carried out by using environmentally friendly raw materials or processes, reusing materials through other processes or same process, utilizing waste to be used as fuel, and in a simple meaning is saving energy in manufacturing process, and the use of low carbon technology. Green Industry encourages industrial companies to carry out continuous improvement in all lines to increase production efficiency and effectiveness and provides evidence that a low cost or no cost approach can have a big impact on industrial companies. Green economic growth requires a systematic approach in terms of policy making, planning, investment and action that is able to move Indonesia which focuses on strategies and action plans to reduce poverty and social inclusion as well as increase environmental sustainability and economic growth. The main strategy for developing green industry basically focuses on 2 activities, including: Greening of Existing Industries (developing existing Industries towards green industries) and Creation of New Green Industries (create new industry using green industry principle).
There are some proposed strategies for implementing a green industry that are integrated with other support systems as the main lever to create an industry that has a competitive advantage and is environmentally friendly through the application of technology that can be implemented, namely:
- Research and Development implementation regularly. Industry must innovate, especially in anticipating the issue of environmental sustainability, where innovation is currently the main driver in a business world environment. The government needs to take a role in improving the innovation ecosystem and incentives as a stimulus for industry to carry out research and practice implementing green industrial technology.
- Adapting to low carbon energy sources. The use of low-carbon energy sources and value-added extraction models can open up significant economic growth opportunities, whereas technologies that have implemented the use of low carbon energy sources such as carbon capture and storage.
- Policy Reform. Systematic assessments and policy reform are needed to enable investments in green industries that can also help reduce investor risks and create a more conducive investment climate.
Climate change, global warming and environmental pollution are the center of attention for this problem, so that the green industry implementation by companies can overcome the negative impacts caused by those cases. The implementation of green industry principles would be occurred continously to be implemented if each industry always carries out continuous improvements, research and development related to environmentally friendly raw materials, and low-carbon energy utilization. Government must encourage industrial players to be able for creating an industry that is more responsible for human life and nature conservation.
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