Application of TPM to Increase Machine Availability and Production Efficiency


Application of TPM to Increase
Machine Availability and Production Efficiency

By Muhamad Ghazi Athira

TPM or Total Productive Maintenance is a method that is used to increase a machine’s productivity through equipment maintenance. TPM was founded by Seichi Nakajima in 1960, in the same year he became a part of lean manufacturing, who aimed at eliminating waste. Because TPM has significant benefits for businesses, particularly in terms of resource utilization by including all staff aspects in the pursuit of increased business profits, many organizations have adopted and implemented the Total Productive Maintenance idea. 

If you try to apply TPM examples from other sources, you should reinforce the 5S technique because it has linkages and relationships with TPM. Also, understand what the TPM pillars are and how to implement them in lean manufacturing in firms, whether automotive, services, or even services, so that when selecting to implement TPM, organizations can reap the anticipated benefits. The goal of 5S is to create a clean and well-organized workplace. It consists of:

  1. Sort: To eliminate anything that is not needed in the workplace
  2. Straighten: To organize remaining items in the workplace.
  3. Shine: To inspect and clean the workplace.
  4. Standardize: To create standards for performing the above three activities.
  5. Sustain: To ensure that standards are regularly applied.

It should be obvious how 5S establishes a foundation for reliable equipment. For example, in a clean and well-organized workplace, tools and parts are much easier to locate, as are emergent difficulties such as fluid leaks, material spills, metal shavings from unanticipated wear, and hairline fractures in mechanisms.

The eight pillars of TPM largely focus on proactive and preventive techniques to improve equipment reliability. The pillars are:

  1. Autonomous Maintenance: A Place for responsibility and routine maintenance, such as cleaning, lubricating, and inspection by the heands of the operator. It helps to increase the operator’s knowledge of their equipment.
  2. Focused Improvement: Encourage small groups of employees to work collaboratively to produce frequent, incremental improvements in equipment operation. It helps by combining collective talents of a company to create an engine for continuous improvement.
  3. Planned Maintenance: Maintenance jobs are scheduled based on failure rates that have been measured. It helps to reduce inventory by improving control over wear- and failure-prone components.
  4. Quality Maintenance: Integrate error detection and prevention into industrial processes and uses Root Cause Analysis to remove recurring sources of quality issues. It helps to reduce the number of defects.
  5. Early Equipment Management: Uses practical knowledge and understanding of manufacturing equipment gained through TPM to improve the design of new equipment. It helps that maintenance are simpler and more resilient because of practical testing and employee participation prior to installation.
  6. Training and Education: Fill in the knowledge gaps that required to meet TPM goals. This applies to operators, maintenance people, and managers. It helps that operators learn how to consistently maintain equipment, maintenance workers study skills for proactive and preventative maintenance, and managers are trained on TPM principles, such as staff mentoring and development.
  7. Safety Health Environment: Maintain a safe and healthy workplace. It helps to eliminate various potential health and safety issues, such creating a safer work environment.
  8. TPM in Administration: Use TPM approaches for administrative functions. It helps to improve administrative operations to boost production and TPM benefits go beyond the plant floor by tackling waste in administrative processes.

With the help of these eight pillars, companies that use lean manufacturing can improve their profitability and productivity. One of the primary benefits and objectives of TPM is to maximize plant and equipment output with a minimal expenditure in maintenance. By investing into equipment maintenance, equipment losses can be prevented.

Implementation steps connected to the implementation of TPM in a corporation include first evaluation of TPM level, introduction to education/training, and introduction to TPM. Formation of a TPM committee, formulation of a master plan for TPM implementation, stage-by-stage training for employees and stakeholders in all eight TPM pillars, implementation preparation process, policy and target setting, and value stream development for TPM implementation.

The steering committee should include the production manager, maintenance manager, and engineering manager. They must develop TPM policies and strategies and offer guidance. This committee must be directed by a high-level executive. The TPM program team must motivate firm employees, and the program’s implementation operations must be supervised and coordinated. Choose the first target area as a pilot area; this area will showcase the TPM idea. Lessons learned in the early target/pilot locations can be incorporated later in the implementation phase.


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  • TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). Lean Production. (n.d.).,What%20Is%20TPM%3F,No%20Defects