Course Structure

 Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
              1 CHAR6013011 Character Building: Pancasila 2               20
SCIE6004011 Physics I 4
SCIE6051011 Chemistry 3
MATH6014011 Calculus I 4
ENGR6093011 Technical Drawing2 2/1
SCIE6088011 Biology 2
ISYE6245011 Industrial Economy and Accounting 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
            2 CHAR6014011 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2            


COSC6011011 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
SCIE6061011 Physics II 4/1
MATH6016011 Calculus II 4
STAT6003011 Probability Theory 2
ISYE6181011 System Engineering & Analysis2 2
ISYE6157011 Human-Integrated Systems (AOL) 2/1
Foreign Language Courses 0
              3 CHAR6015011 Character Building: Agama 2               20
MATH6004011 Linear and Discrete Mathematics 4
MATH6019011 Calculus III 4
STAT6172011 Applied Statistics 2
ISYE6158011 Engineering Data Analysis 3
ISYE6123011 Deterministic Optimization1&2 (AOL) 3
LANG6027011 Indonesian 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
                4 ISYE6207011 Stochastic Processes (AOL & AIE) 2                


ENTR6510001 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
ISYE6041011 Engineering Economy2 (AOL) 2
ISYE6186011 Production & Operation Analysis2 (AOL & AIE) 3/1
ISYE6113011 Leadership & Organizational Behavior1&2  (AOL) 2
ISYE6300011 Facility Planning and Safety Engineering (AOL & AIE) 4
ISYE6182011 Supply Chain: Logistics1 2
ISYE6248011 Industry 4.0 and Implementation 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
                                                            5 ENTR6511001 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2                                                             20
ISYE6163011 Research Methodology 2
ISYE6125011 Quality Engineering2 (AOL & AIE) 3
ISYE6185011 Systems Simulation2 (AOL) 3
Stream : Supply Chain Engineering
ISYE6164011 E-Supply Chain Management 2/1
ISYE6183011 Warehouse Management Systems 2
ISYE6301011 Data Science: Machine Learning 3
Stream : Service Systems Engineering
ISYE6166011 Dynamic Service Facility Design 2/1
ISYE6066011 Human Interaction in Service Systems 2
ISYE6302011 E-Service and Usability Engineering 3
Stream : Manufacturing Systems
ISYE6184011 ISYE6184011 2/1
ENGR6005011 Mechanics of Materials 2
ISYE6303011 Smart Manufacturing 3
Elective Supply Chain Engineering Courses3
ISYE6067011 Global Supply Chain1 2
ISYE6165011 Supply Chain Risk & Negotiation 2
ISYE6115011 Transportation Modeling 2
Elective Service Systems Engineering Courses3
MKTG6128011 Market Research 2
ISYE6167011 Decision Support System 2
ISYE6168011 Financial Engineering1 2
Elective Manufacturing Systems Courses3
ISYE6130011 Project Management 2
ISYE6169011 Maintenance Management Systems 2
ISYE6170011 Sustainable Engineering Systems1 2
Streaming: Industrial Digital Transformation4
ISYE6305054 Digital Transformation Strategies1&2 3
ISYE6315054 Data Science: Machine Learning 2/1
ISYE6314054 Database & Warehousing System 3/1
Minor Program 10
Free Electives 10
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
    8 ISYE6205011 Pre – Thesis 2     6
ISYE6206011 Thesis 4
ISYE6171011 Thesis 6
 1) This course is delivered in English 2) Global Learning System Course 3) Students will choose 1 course (2 credits) of elective track course based on preferred track. The elective courses are available for students who choose streaming program in Binus Greater Jakarta 4)  Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Semarang The detail of mobility, including streaming name and course information, may be subject to change at any time depending on the curriculum requirements of each campus. Students will be informed about any updates to mobility streaming during the registration period. Students are required to choose one of the Streaming or Minor Program or Free Electives. For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.  -) AOL - Assurance of Learning Process System -) AIE - Artificial Intelligence Embedded Course Streaming/Free Electives: -) For 5th Semester: Students are required to choose Streaming or Minor or Free Electives. For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix. Foreign Language Courses: Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C. Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 6th and/or 7th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester): -) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail.  Enrichment Track Scheme
  Track Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v v
8 v v
9 v v
10 v v
11 v v
12 v v
13 v v
14 v v
15 v v
16 v v
17 v v
18 v v
19 v v
20 v v
21 v v
22 v v
23 v v
24 v v
25 v v
Notes: IN            : Internship RS           : Research EN          : Entrepreneurship CD          : Community Development SA           : Study Abroad IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study FS           : Further Study etc           : Study Program Special Purposes Description: Student will take one of enrichment program tracks