Session of Strategic Specialist Education (SSE) took place on 30th November 2013, with the prior preparation of material and discussion since January 2013. There are four SSE levels available to be taken by any employee from various positions to level up their current competencies to match up with the required ones. The topic is Research and Development: Technology Management. With the topic about Research and Development management, BINUS University helps PLN to understand the problems  and optimize all the function in its business units in achieving the organization goals as a basis to distribute the job to the right person and assign tactical steps to make the business units do the function and role. This professional service was attended by Strategic Specialist Education II (SSE II) from many business units such as:
1.  Distribusi Jawa Barat & Banten
2.  Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DIY
3.  Distribusi Jawa Timur
4.  Jasa Sertifikasi
5.  Kantor Pusat
6.  P3B Jawa & Bali
7.  Pembangkitan Tanjung Jati B
8.  Pusdiklat (coorporate University)
9.  Unit Induk Pembangunan XI

Before this professional service for SSE II, there was another professional service with PLN on April 2012 for EE I (Executive Education I). There are four EE levels available to be taken by any employee from various positions to level up their current competencies to match up with the required competency levels.The topic of this professional service is SIBS (Strategy, Inovation, Breakthrough, and Sustainability) and the subtopics are primary energy, collaboration PLN with Pelindo and Indopower, coordination  between PLN and gardu pusat, EVINA (Electric Vehicle Indonesia), exit and entrance of coal mining.


