with Zuraida, R., Septivani, C, N., Iridiastadi, H. (2016). Research on BRT Driver Jakarta Fatigue Evaluation. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM).
(2015). Vessel routing model in an archipelago crude oil distribution problem. Industrial Engineering and Operation Management (IEOM ) 2015.
(2015). Optimum clustering and routing model using CVRP Cluster-First, Route-Second in a 3-PL Provider. Industrial Engineering and Operation Management (IEOM ) 2015.
with Septivani, N., & Lollyta, V. (2014) Determining optimum route and load transfers in multiple route-based flat rate transportation problem, in Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. 1731-1739.
with Ani, Sherly, & Stephanie. (2014) Pembagian wilayah pengiriman di divisi operasional JNE logistics & distribution, in Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri (SNTI) IV. 126-1 – 126-6.
with Septivani, N., Cahyadi, R., Oktavia, H., & Juanda, F. (2013) Perbaikan berkelanjutan terhadap sistem mampu telusur PT. XYZ, in Seminar Nasional Teknik & Manajemen Industri “Menuju Sustainable Manufacturing untuk Keberlanjutan dan Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri Nasional”, I-36 – I-43.
(2013). Lean strategy implementation to improve throughput in assembly line (Dul-Db21ssc manufacturing process at PT X). COMTECH Journal, 4(1), 371-380.
with Septivani, N., Cahyadi, R., Oktavia, H., & Juanda, F. (2013). Perbaikan berkesinambungan terhadap sistem penelusuran material di PT XYZ. INASEA Journal, 14(1). 37-51.
with Sudjatmiko, V. M. (2013). Newsboy problem untuk menyelesaikan masalah inventory proyek new model. ComTech Journal, 4(2). 896-903.
with Suhendra, F., Purwanti, M. A., & Purnomo, C. (2013) Customer perception towards green bag and its distribution system in a retailer, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Qir (Quality in Research). 565-572.
with Hanggara, J., Kurniawan, D., & Gunawan. (2012). Analisis waste dalam aliran material internal dengan value stream mapping pada PT XYZ. COMTECH Journal, 3(1), 490-502.
with Septivani, N., Chandra, A., Setiawan, N. F., & Halim, M. (2012). Perencanaan produksi dan kebutuhan material produk klem, brake dan plat di PT “XYZ”. INASEA Journal, 14(2). 102-114.
with Wihardi, F. (2010) Information system development for job scheduling and progress update to provide real time information in soft good engineering department, a case study. INASEA Journal, 11(2), 78-86.
(2008) Warehouse design at PT X, in Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri dan Kongres BKSTI V, 710-721.
(2008) Proposed warehouse layout and processes evaluation, in International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISEM), A7-A14.
with Suhendra, F., Purwanti, M. A., & Purnomo, C. (2008) Customer perception towards green bag and its distribution system in a retailer a case study in P.T. Carrefour Indonesia in International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), 565-572.