Rida Zuraida
- With Subroto, A. A. (2021, July). Correlation of driving behavior with the need for self-recovery, work motivation, and emotional intelligence of an app-based motorbike taxi drivers. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 794, No. 1, p. 012071). IOP Publishing.
- With Russel, A. (2020). Safety Riding Behavior Tendency among College Students Related to Driving Attitude, Riding Knowledge, and Emotional Intelligence Level. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry.
- With Aisyah, M. N. N. (2020). The Potential of an App-Based Motorbike Taxi Drivers to be a Role Model in Promoting Safe Driving. 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech) (p. 946 – 950). IEEE.
- With Abbas, B. S. (2020). The Factors Influencing Fatigue Related to the Accident of Intercity Bus Drivers in Indonesia. International Journal of Technology, 11(2), 342.
- With Abbas, B. S. (2020). The differences of workload, fatigue, emotional intelligence and driving behavior based on age, experience, time on task per trip among Indonesian inter-city bus drivers. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(Vol. 426, p. 1-9). IOP Publishing.
- With Setiadi, K. (2020), Musculoskeletal disorders and posture analysis of ethylene dichloride (EDC) production operator. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 426, 1-10). IOP Publishing.
- With Iridiastadi, H., Sutalaksana, I. Z., & Suprijanto, S. (2019). An Analysis of EEG Changes during Prolonged Simulated Driving for the Assessment of Driver Fatigue. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 51(2), 290-302.
- With Septivani, N. (2018). Risky-driving behavior and it relation with eco-driving behavior based on an adapted Manchester Driving Behavior questionnaire. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 195, No. 1, p. 012072). IOP Publishing.
- With Iridiastadi, H., & Sutalaksana, I. Z. (2018). The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Level of Sleepiness, Fatigue, and Stress on Experiment Using Driving Simulator. KnE Life Sciences, 4(5), 268-280.
- With Syarnubi, A., Sembiring, R. A., & Siswaya, T. (2018). Performance, productivity, and safety & health among employee of oil & gas company in Qatar. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 195, No. 1, p. 012075). IOP Publishing.
- With Wahyudi, R., & Pangestu, F. (2018). WORKLOAD AND JOB SATISFACTION ANALYSIS AS THE BASIS OF WORK SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT. Social Economics and Ecology International Journal, 2(2).
- With Iridiastadi, H., & Sutalaksana, I. Z. (2017). Indonesian driver’s characteristics associated with road accidents. International Journal of Technology, 2, 311-319.
- With Widjaja, D. (2017). Eco-driving behavior tendency among Indonesian people: a preliminary study, in International Conference on Eco Engineering Development.
- With Iridiastadi, H., Sutalaksana, I, Z. (2016). Fatigue from driving – a comparison between morning and afternoon tasks. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM).
- With Ayu, K, G., Septivani, C, N., Iridiastadi, H. (2016). Research on BRT Driver Jakarta Fatigue Evaluation. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM).
- (2015). Evaluation of Subjective Fatigue Tool – A Study Addressing Restaurant Employees in Indonesia. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM).
- With Ho, H. H., & Widaningrum, D. L. (2014) Pengembangan instrumen untuk pengujian model hipotetik job security, job satisfaction, and perceived safety sebagai antenseden perilaku pengendara sepeda motor, in Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri (SNTI) IV. 131-1 131-6.
- With Soebandrija, K. E. N. (2014) Pengembangan instrumen pengukuran perilaku pengemudi kendaraan umum dalam mengatasi kelelahan dan kantuk, in Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri (SNTI) IV. 132-1 – 132-7.
- With Iridiastadi, H. (2014) Psychomotor vigilance task as a measure of performance-based fatigue, in Proceeding 7th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management. ER-53 – ER-57.
- With Septivani, N., & Albert. (2013) Sinergi ilmu dalam inovasi untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat, in Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (RiTekTra), 9-13.
- With Septivani, N., & Jorinatan. A. (2013) Usulan re-layout warehouse di logistik produksi PT. XYZ, in Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (RiTekTra), 5-8.
- With Ho, H. H. (2013). Skala pengukuran shift kerja, beban kerja, dan persepsi kesehatan sebagai stressor dengan fasilitas manajemen untuk penanggulangannya. INASEA Journal, 14(1). 15-21.
- With Septivani, N. (2013) Potensi risiko kelelahan pengemudi travel Jakarta-Bandung berdasarkan lamanya waktu kerja dan usulan penanggulangannya, in Seminar Nasional Mesin dan Industri (SNMI8). TI-21|486 – TI-21|492.
- With Wijaya, C. D., Karimah., & Yunita. (2013) Analisis risika kerja pengguna notebook dengan metode job strain index dan rapid office strain, in Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (RiTekTra), 25-28.
- With Amalia, F. R., Nugroho, N. A. A., & Kaharuddin, R. (2012) Pengukuran ketidaknyamanan pengguna notebook pada meja kerja standar dan Pengukuran Resiko Pada Meja Eksperimen, in Seminar Nasional Ergonomi, L-37 – L-43.
- (2012). Analisis penyebab nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan dalam bekerja pada pengrajin keset kain limbah – pringapus Semarang. COMTECH Journal, 3(1), 573-583.
- With Rantautama, B., Sutrisnohadi, N., & Pratomo, C. D. A. (2012). Pengendalian kualitas untuk meminimalkan jumlah cacat pada produksi kaleng aerosol. COMTECH Journal, 3(1), 584-594.
- (2011) Feasibility study for alternatives strategy to maintain product quality (case study: craftsmen kid T-Shirt–Bekasi Barat, Indonesia), in The 3rd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Small Business (IICIES), 285-290.
- (2011). Analisis biaya proyek penambahan layanan pada call center yang melayani delivery order di PT. XYZ. INASEA Journal, 12(2), 128-133.