Industrial and Office Visit

Industrial Visit to PT Caterpillar Indonesia

On October 26th 2017, IISE BINUS Student Chapter #716 held a company visit to PT Caterpillar Indonesia for the manufacture students of Industrial Engineering. Invitation for visiting the company is one of the events in Manufacturing Month conducted by PT Caterpillar Indonesia. PT Caterpillar Indonesia is an excavator factory that has stood for around 30 years. This company is closely related to students from manufacturing stream of Industrial Engineering as their production processes include the work practice of manufacturing industry.  Through this visit, students gained some benefits such as observing directly and learning the manufacturing process, introducing the company to the students and vice versa, and also creating a path for job opportunity.

PT Caterpillar Indonesia meets the criteria of a good company as it obeys the rules for a company, concerns for the environment and neighborhood, and emphasizes not only its final product’s quality but also the making process of that final product.

PT Caterpillar Indonesia has been serving its neighborhood, as required by the Government, up to five kilometers radius. It has been facilitating lecturer for the nearest SMK and this is resulting on a mutualism relationship between the school and the company as the fresh-graduates from the school apply for work and internship in the company. Furthermore, it has annual social service for the nearby people who are lacking on either financial or education.

This company concerns for environment and thus, they have made their own water treatment that produces clean water to be disposed. It is stated that their water disposal is drinkable and they consistently make sure their disposal water quality by sending sample to the laboratory.

PT Caterpillar’s visions and missions are integrity, teamwork, accountability, proactive, excellence and continuous development. Therefore, they always keep the quality of their products – materials, services, and endurance. In addition, emphasis on the importance of work safety, clean environment, and kinship amongst employees lets them feel comfortable in their work environment.

Binusian manufacturer from Industrial Engineering Faculty was able to witness the whole production processes in the company which includes logistic, painting, assembly, quality check and distribution. Through this visit, Binusian also create the path for job opportunity. This is proved by the invitation for Binusian to work or intern in PT Caterpillar Indonesia.


Office Visit to PT Indonesia Stock Exchange

IISE BINUS Student Chapter #716 held an office visit to PT. IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) on Monday, January 15­th 2018 for Industrial Engineering Students. This visit was intended to increase knowledge the students of Industrial Engineering BINUS University in business and stock exchanges and to give students an overview that PT. IDX has a great influence on industry and office sector.

IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) is a stock exchange based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was previously known as the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) before its name changed in 2007 after merging with the Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX). As of the end of 2016, Indonesia Stock Exchange had 537 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of IDR 5,753.6 trillion. In mid of September 2016, based on Single Identification Number there were 500,037 domestic investors, of which 487,713 were retail investors and 12,324 institutional investors.

Through this office visit, students gained much of benefits such a company profile, learning how to get started to open a stock account in PT. IDX, the profits invested in stock, and know which companies that we can invested in stock. There should be a gallery tour in schedule of office visit, unfortunately because the gallery is on renovation so gallery tour was cancelled.

We were a little disappointed because we went back to BINUS University too early due to some unavoidable things. But the disappointment was gone after we heard the news about PT. IDX bridge tower 1 and 2 were collapsed a few minutes after we went back to campus. The incident caused many people injured, we are grateful for leaving PT. IDX on time.


Industrial Visit to PT Telkom (Telkom Digital Xperience)

IISE BINUS University Student Chapter #716 hold an industrial visit to Telkom Digital Xperience spearheaded by PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia on 27th September 2019. This industrial visit was participated by 26 students and one lecturer. This visit was intended to give helpful information about the information and communication technology in the future, also inspire and educate participants about the important role of ICT to support lifestyle, create productivity in work, and improving life.

In Telkom Digital Xperience there are 5 different area : Mini Cinema, Hallway Area, Home Xperience Area, Mobility Xperience Area, and the last area is Enterprise & Government Area. We were shown a safety and security video first before we went into that 5 different area.

After that we went to the first area which is Mini Cinema. In this area we watched a short movie about the present and future digital lifestyle, also there were a short introduction of TDX.

Next we moved to Hallway Area and directly greeted by Dexy, TDX droid mascot in a hologram 3D. Dexy explained various things about ICT which shown in TDX. In this area, there were also some interactive wall and floor which can be played by participant like Zuma, Find the Hidden Objects, and Quiz about Merah Putih Satellite. At the last part of Hallway Area participant could experience playing some games using virtual reality. Then we continued our tour to Home Xperience Area which shown to us the smart kitchen and living room. In the living room there were three robot assistant, Lynx, Alexa and Zenbo. This three robot assistant could help you to turn on or turn off television, radio,and lamp, check the weather, changing the lamp colours, taking some pictures and more as long as you program them.

Out of Home Xperience Area we entered the digital tunnel as a connecting tunnel to Mobility Xperience Area. In this digital tunnel, the floor made into an interactive floor so when we step on the floor it will light up. At Mobility Xperience Area gave us experience of a fast forwarding future in mobile technology such as smart bike, smart vending machine, and smart bin only with a snap of QR Code using your smartphone. Beside that, there were also future farming where automation and the information of technology services are used for smart garden and smart feeder. Smart garden used IoT services real time sensors for light intensity, humidity, and plant nutrition. Meanwhile, the smart feeder could help us to control time to feed fish with our mobile phone. At the end of this area we could see 5G technology will make remote driving reality and also robot called Suten which is supported by 5G networks.

We continued to the last area in TDX, Enterprise & Government Area. This are provide information about future transaction help by augmented reality technology so a small to mid-size enterprise can drive self service through technology. There is a collaboration board too in this area supported by Cisco. We could call this collaboration board as a digital board. Through this collaboration board we can achieve flexibility of interaction to others while meeting or discussing some project. Then at the last room in this area we were introduced with Hologram Table. This Hologram Table could show us detail part of designing product, architectures, even a prototypes of a city.


Virtual Factory Visit Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam

A virtual industrial visit is an online virtual tour of a company or factory, held to enlarge participants’ knowledge of company’s daily operation during the pandemic. The event was initiated in collaboration with HIMTRI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri). The event marked the first ever online virtual visit to a company or factory, held by Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) BINUS University Student Chapter #716 and Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri (HIMTRI) BINUS University.

IISE BINUS University Student Chapter #716 is highly motivated to stabilize its organizational productivity even while facing the pandemic, the virtual industrial visit was organized carefully and thoroughly. The event cooperated with Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam, a global company that provides energy and automation digital solutions for sustainability and efficiency. The event was held on 18th December 2020, at 13.45 – 16.00 WIB via Microsoft Teams. These details were based upon the consideration from all sides. No fee was required for the participants’ registration since the company had offered the collaboration free of charge.

The event was guided by one speaker, a representative of the company Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam, Mr. Fadly Hamsani. He is a Country Digital Transformation Manager there. The speaker started out the event with brief explanation of the company. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam provides solutions by combining energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services that built with safety, reliability, and cybersecurity for citizens’ homes, buildings, infrastructure, and industries. The company had already implemented technological development into their machinery and work method. Automation in the factory really helped boost the company’s efficiency and effectivity, resulting in rapid growth of the company’s success.

Mr. Fadly Hamsani showed the participants, the virtual view and online system of the company’s office and factory. It was astonishing, seeing how everything was within the fingers control. The company was not affected by the pandemic, unlike many others that has not applied the automation system and were forced to do major technology adaptation.

The virtual visit session was continued by question and answer session. Mr. Fadly Hamsani answered 10 questions from participants about Schneider Electric Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. The participants were proven to be eager of gaining more knowledge through the question and answer session because not all questions got to be answered. Overall, the event rundown was executed thoroughly. Nonetheless, there were a few problems encountered. Out of 350 registrants, only 225 attended the event. The starting time of the event had to be postponed for about 15 minutes due to the unexpected extra time needed for the event briefing. The Microsoft Teams meeting room was not properly set. All participants were able to have the host privilege. These problems did not prevent the event from progressing to completion.

It was a great pleasure to have the presence of Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam and the collaboration with HIMTRI. Both had been substantial partners in boosting the participants’ understanding regarding the industrial world. The event were able to carry out new insightful understanding for participants about how a company works, especially with advanced technologies.