Tutor Class

Calculus II Tutor Class 2020

Tutor Class is an event that held by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) BINUS University Student Chapter #716 during the COVID-19 pandemic which is done online based. Since the pandemic, many people are doing work from home. IISE BINUS University Student Chapter #716 is highly motivated to stabilize its organizational productivity even while facing a pandemic. The event is held by using Microsoft Teams as the medium of our learning method to run this event. This medium was chosen because Binusian have used this medium for other studies. Microsoft Teams doesn’t have time limitation like other application, the learning won’t be disturbed by time limitation.

Tutor Class was held on June 16th, 2020 at 20.00-21.00 WIB via Microsoft Teams. The project manager of this event was Steven Vincentius Ekajaya, as the Staff of Internal Relations of IISE BINUS University Student Chapter # 716. The chosen mentor of this event was Tommy Salim (BINUS University Student 2022) and Amanda Vanessa (BINUS University Student 2022). Tutor class was held to help the freshman (Binusian 23 Student, BINUS University) steepen the Calculus II subject to face the final exam.

The problem that happened during the event was the time management. The time that chosen for the tutor class was too late, which at 20.00 WIB, and the event held only for one hour. For the next event, the project manager must have the efficient and effective planning for the time management. A lot of participants who attended this event felt more prepared to facing the final exam, especially in Calculus II courses.


Virtual Classroom

IISE Virtual Classroom is a new program that is managed by the internal relation division to support IISE members’ academic performance. The teaching and learning process was performed virtually through online video call on Google Meet. The class requested the presence of up to two mentors and accepted up to 25 participants in each session. The session was done once a week for about two until three hours.

The virtual classroom includes some subjects such as Calculus I, Physics I, Technical Drawing, and Chemistry for the first semester students and Calculus III, Linear and Discrete Mathematics, and Introduction to Database Systems for the third semester students. The most requested subject is Physics I for the first semester and Calculus III for the third semester. The class has an extensive week to review materials used for facing the mid-term exam and final exam.

The rundown of the program can be seen on the table below:


Final Test Response 2021

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) BINUS University Student Chapter #716 is an international Industrial Engineering student organization that aims to help student to perceive international experience by conducting various activities. As the first IISE Student Chapter in Indonesia, IISE #716 values are directed to the preparation of members’ individual qualifications, coupled with certain circumstances such as the increasing Indonesia unemployment rate exponentially due to Covid-19 and the impacts followed. It is important to keep the skills and knowledge up to date. Therefore, IISE #716 initiated a tutor class called ‘Final-Test Response’. The class was held to help Industrial Engineering students overcome the study distress and boost their confidence in facing final exams.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide. BINUS University has applied online learning in response to the pandemic since 2020 period to this day. Online learning makes students begin to feel exhausted and less passionate due to the workloads. Heeding the necessitate of IISE #716 vision, IISE BINUS University Student Chapter #716 was eager to improve Industrial Engineering students’ academic performance. The class held was Calculus class. There were two classes for Calculus subject, Calculus I for B24 and Calculus III for B23.

Final Test Response was held on Wednesday, 27th January 2021 at 13.00 WIB for B24 class and at 19.30 WIB for B23 class, via Google Meet. The event was attended by 27 B23 and 37 B24 Industrial Engineering students. The project manager of this event was Nadya Cio Cionta, the Staff of Internal Relations of IISE BINUS University Student Chapter #716. The mentor for B23 class was Felix Malvian (BINUS University Student 2022) and for B24 class was Eirinne Carenina (BINUS University Student 2023).

The event was run smoothly and there wasn’t any problem during the tutoring session. The Final Test Response started and finished on time. The tutors were well prepared and the participants were enthusiast and satisfied by the tutoring session.