Training: “Using ARENA 14.0 Simulation Software in The Industry”

Upcoming Training

Training will be held on January, 18th or 25th 2014 at Integrated Industrial Engineering (IIE) Laboratory with theme “Using ARENA 14.0 Simulation Software in The Industry”. ARENA simulation software is used to show, predict or measure a systems with analyzing effect by changing or improvement before implemented that causing cost. This training is opened for Industrial Engineer (student or alumni) and active Binusians who interest with ARENA simulation software. The price is:

  1. IDR 50,000 for Industrial Engineering student
  2. IDR 90,000 for active Binusian
  3. IDR 100,000 for Industrial Engineering alumni
  4. Free for IIE member by showing member card that still valid

Training starts on 08.30 am until 16.00pm with the maximum capacity is 20 person. Please contact us through:

  1. Office              : (+6221) 534 5830 Ext. 2131
  2. Mobile             : 085789009825 (Ferdy/Ari Saputro)
  3. Email               :

Thank you for your participation.